About Us



Arpana's Mission is to improve health, provide education and enable communities to secure their rights and livelihoods in targeted areas of North India


 Arpana’s vision has its origin in the words of Arpana’s Founder, Param Pujya Ma (26.08.1924 – 16.04.2008), who was a Spiritual Visionary.  Param Pujya Ma says, “The Lord comes to us in the form of the hungry, the sick, the poor and the downtrodden. To serve them, to share their burdens,and to relieve their pain is the practical shape of surrender to Him.


Arpana envisages a society where humane values predominate, resulting in a society in which:

  •  All have the basic necessities of health, proper housing, water and sanitation, education, training and jobs;
  • The underprivileged have opportunities to develop their full potential, enabling them to emerge as prosperous, responsible and joyful citizens of the world.

 About Arpana

Arpana’s service activities focus on the marginalized and underprivileged to fulfil their felt needs with compassion and appreciation of the difficulties they face.

Arpana Hospital provides modern health facilities, both affordable and accessible, to rural folk.

Our achievements include:

· Treating patients with respect, compassion, and dignity. 

· Providing free in- and out-patient medical facilities to the economically weaker sections of the society

· Organizing community outreach programs and camps.

We also strive to comply with all legal requirements and work towards continuous quality improvement, patient safety, and satisfaction.

Our efforts are to provide innovative low cost and affordable treatment options for our patients.

Rural Development Programs are being carried out in 106 villages of Haryana & Himachal Pradesh, including 946 women self-help groups with over 13,000  women members who are reaching economic security through micro-credit loans, and setting up their own small businesses, participation in village councils, and acting for gender equity and justice.

Arpana’s Differently abled Persons Organizations enabled 1,472 differently abled persons to improve their lives by enabling them to obtain certifications, set up small businesses, experience greater social inclusion and gain a sense of self worth.

Farmers Programs in Himachal Pradesh include two Farmers Producers Organizations (FPOs) which are collectively marketing the produce of over 400 farmer members for greater profits. The FPOs also started purchasing and marketing milk from their members, thus further increasing their income.

To the delight of farmers in six isolated hamlets, irrigation tanks were completed, thus enabling them to grow vegetable crops and exponentially improve their earnings.

In Arpana’s Education Centers in Molarbund and Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, when children could no longer attend school, tuition support classes were provided through WhatsApp + Zoom classes. With the support of generous donors, smartphones were gifted to students who had no access to one. The children enthusiastically embraced this new way of learning, determined not to let the pandemic destroy their future success.

The steady support and encouragement from individuals and organizations enables Arpana’s health and development services to reach out to over a million underprivileged rural folk in Haryana and Himachal Pradesh, as well as to those in slum resettlement colonies in New Delhi.